Chandler Courfeyrac

Typist: Jeni Baron
Birthdate: October, 1806
Hometown: An estate outside of a small village near Bordeaux.
Appearance: Handsome, of course! Soft brown hair not quite long enough to keep it tied back neatly. Dark green eyes. Glowing, rosy complexion. Straight, white teeth. Rippling muscles. Etc.
Parents: His mother is an alcoholic. His father was kind to him, but ignored his little brothers and sister, and was terribly abusive to his mother. When he was twelve, he became her confidante, and he tried to distract his father from his mother, to stop the beatings.
Siblings: A sister and two brothers survived infancy, all younger. There were others before and after him, none of which lived more than a few months.
Significant Others: He's been married in IM to Solange Delaitre, and most recently to Brooke Damon-Joly. He occasionally plays opposite Manon or Claude on AnkhMUSH, now. He flirts with darn near everyone, though.
AIM: ChandlerCourfey
Appears In: Countless roleplays. Someone To Watch Over Me. Another Chance and Mystery Man. Bit parts in Blood of Angry Women and The Life We Might Have Known.
Other Info: When he was 15, Chandler's family hired a new servant named Emilie. She was 19, and beautiful, and he fell in love with her. They began a secret relationship. He did not know it then, but another servant, Pierre, was carrying on with her as well. The summer before he left for Paris, just a few months after their affair began, Chandler discovered this. The two boys confronted her and she told them that she was pregnant. Chandler offered to give her money to get her comfortably set up in Paris, and to visit her, and she agreed. But, before it could be arranged, she drowned herself in the pond. He has never quite recovered from this, emotionally, although he hides it very well.

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