Lucien Enjolras

Typist: Amy Hunt
Birthdate: 22nd September, 1808
Hometown: Marseilles
Appearance: Tall, blond, lithe, handsome, blue eyes, charming smile, intense expression, glare like an ice age... Ah, hell. Looks like Apollo.
Parents: Mother: Catherine Enjolras (maiden name Dorat). A graceful woman with her son's blue eyes, well meaning but with a vague idea that the word 'republic' means something nasty and would probably pack up her family--Luc included--and move them to Africa or Venus if she discovered his revolutionary connections. Her occasional lapses of memory for practical matters, resulting in the loss of many pens and hairpins is perhaps echoed by her son's tendency to misplace his essays. Father: Donatien Enjolras. Resembles his son (or vice versa) but with less sculpted features. A successful merchant, devoted to his family, but disinterested in politics. It was from him that Lucien inherited his charisma, which goes much to waste in the older generation, as Monsieur Enjolras Senior lacks the defined sense of purpose.
Siblings: Juliette, born 12th October, 1810; Lucille, born 5th January, 1813; Colette, born 12th December, 1814; Félicité, born 17th July, 1818. Golden haired beauties, the lot of them, alternately fond of their brother, because of his bardic ability to tell stories as if he had actually seen the events (granted, they're always the same type of stories. Brutus expelling the Etruscan kings, the storming of the Bastille, etc.), put to great use in their younger days, and irritated by his exacting nature.
Significant Others: Only if his typist wants to be turned to ice for the next few millennia.
Webpage: N/A
Appears In: The untitled story, seen as the ghost in Grantaire and guaranteed a part in anything else he might decide to stick his golden head into.
Other Info: Has a tendency either to orate, or be too bloody genial for his own good. Some evidence of a sense of humour, Hugo help us all. Will submit to being called 'Luc' on a good day.

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