Benjamin Feuilly

Typist: Krista Lindemann
Birthdate: Not known
Hometown: Not known
Appearance: Curly blonde hair, blue eyes, average height... looks to be in his early-to-mid-twenties, although not even he knows for certain how old he is. (Said to closely resemble his namesake Mr. Davis of the Third National Tour, coincidentally enough...)
Parents: Unknown; he has always just been known as 'Feuilly' and doesn't know where the name came from. Only took the name Benjamin recently on insistence from his typist.
Siblings: None known.
Significant Others: Currently up to his elbows in unrequited love for childhood friend Tanya Lancret; other than that, no one special.
Email/IM: None
Webpage: (roleplaying homepage)
Appears In: Various InsideTheWeb roleplays.
Other Info: Feuilly refuses to tell his typist, or anyone else for that matter, much about his past. He grew up on the streets and is desperately trying to distance himself from his former life. He works at the fan factory and paints in his spare time...occasionally goes out drinking with Bahorel and Courfeyrac. Other than these basic facts, he's a mystery and prefers it that way.

Other FeuillysMain