Michel Joly

Typist: Katharine
Birthdate: September 21, 1805
Hometown: Somewhere in the South of France.
Appearance: 5'4". Curly brown hair and hazel eyes. Slight of build, with the pale skin that comes from poring over one too many medical texts.
Parents: Armand and Sophie
Siblings: A bevy of younger sisters: Agathe, Pauline and Natalie.
Significant Others: Gabriel Lesgle. Sometimes the infamous Musichetta.
Email/IM: N/A
Webpage: N/A
Appears In: Appears in assorted roleplays, including this one, as well as various entries in his typist's writing journal.
Other Info: Michel's sneezing and coughing fits -- all of his 'maladies', in fact -- stem from nervousness and thinking about things he's rather not think about.

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