Jolanta Stelmaczyk

Typist: Jeni Baron
Birthdate: January 13, 1806
Hometown: Warsaw, Poland
Appearance: Tall, slim, pretty, graceful. Her hair is a browish blonde, her eyes are pale blue. She's a fashionable dresser, with an artist's touch to her wardrobe.
Parents: Her parents both died before she hit her teens. Her father had been an artist, and she got a lot of her training and talent from him. She was raised by her Uncle Stan, a well-to-do merchant, who made sure she got a few years in finishing school to give her that feminine touch to her upbringing that he couldn't.
Siblings: None.
Significant Others: Grantaire. They have a daughter, Valeska.
Email/IM: Shares her typist's
Webpage: None
Appears In: Winter Into Spring
Other Info: Jolanta came to Paris to pursue an artistic vocation, and took work as a waitress "in the meantime". She happened to meet Grantaire and fall in love with him.. we're still wondering why, too. Eventually, she discovers she's pregnant and returns to Poland to have the child, and spare R the burden. Seven years later or so, she becomes sick and returns to Paris, to attempt to reunite father and daughter before her death. She does not find him in time, and the rest is Leska's story.

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