Theophile Lesgle

Typist: Catherine Lafontaine
Birthdate: April 1st, 1806
Hometown: Duh.
Appearance: His brown hair is thinning rather severely, but this does not detract from the pleasant lines of his face or the brightness of his eyes. Average of height and build -- though he looks more imposing, next to the delicate Prouvaire, and is usually only marginally better dressed than the latter.
Parents: Papa is lately deceased; maman, who had every faith in her spouse, is trying to similarly trust Théo's judgment, but understandably finds it difficult.
Siblings: None. When Théo sprained something learning to walk, his parents sensibly decided to quit while they were ahead.
Significant Others: Jean-Thierry Prouvaire and Chrétien Joly (though not both at once). On certain occasions, others of his Amis. Expensive harlots don't count.
Email/IM: N/A
Webpage: N/A
Appears In: A Wasps' Nest
Other Info: A kindhearted boy with the best intentions in the world. He and Prouvaire were inseparable until the advent of Joly, whereupon there were some unpleasant jealous scenes. By 1832, however, that's sorted itself out, aided by the fact that his attachment to Joly is largely platonic.

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