
"Feuilly was a fan-maker, an orphan, who with difficulty earned three francs a day, and who had but one thought, to deliver the world. He had still another desire -- to instruct himself; which he also called deliverance. He had taught himself to read and write; all that he knew, he had learned alone. Feuilly was a generous heart. He had an immense embrace. This orphan had adopted the people. Being without a mother, he had meditated upon his mother country. He was not willing that there should be any man upon the earth without a country. He nurtured within himself, with the deep divination of the man of the people, what we now call the idea of nationality. He had learned history expressly that he might base his indignation upon a knowledge of its cause. In this new upper room of utopists particularly interested in France, he represented the foreign nations. His specialty was Greece, Poland, Hungary, the Danubian Provinces, and Italy. He uttered these names incessantly, in season and out of it, with the tenacity of the right. Turkey upon Greece and Thessaly, Russia upon Warsaw, Austria upon Venice, these violations exasperated him.... Such was the usual text of Feuilly. This poor working man had made himself a teacher of justice, and she rewarded him by making him grand."

Name: Typist:
Alexandre Feuilly Adrienne Florian
Benjamin Feuilly Krista Lindemann
Christophe Feuilly Catherine Lafontaine
Claude Feuilly Frida Eleonora
Claude Feuilly Anne Page
Daniel Feuilly Petronelle Lemaitre
Franz Feuilly Laurence
Paul Feuilly Abby Goutal
Marie Feuilly Mme. Bahorel
Simon Feuilly Meri Gilliatt
